# Step Types
Folge supports three types of steps:
- Step with Image
- Empty Step
- Content Block
# Step With Image
This is the default step, which has an image, title, and description. During export, it will be rendered in all formats and can be highly customized with Step Settings and Export Settings.
The step image can be in JPG, PNG, or GIF format. Folge supports importing existing GIFs.
# Empty Step
The empty step doesn't have an image, which is the only difference from a regular step. If you delete an image from a regular step, it is converted into an empty one, and if you add an image to an empty step, it will become a regular step.
# Content Block
Content blocks are available from version 1.22.0
One important thing about a content block is that it is always rendered as plain text in any export format.
The content block is not listed in the Table of Contents and doesn't have the same export styles as regular or empty steps. Content block can be used to put background-related information that isn't specifically part of any step. Content Block can be added via the "Add step" button, or you can turn the content block flag in Step Settings in the right column.