
We work hard on improving Folge. Below you can see what we have recently released and improved. Changes include but are not limited to: new features, feature improvements, bug fixes, other usability updates.

Do you have a feature request, a bug report, or a suggestion? We would love to hear it! Let us know at

System Requirements: Windows 7 ( partial support), 8, 8.1, 10. OSX > 10.10. Available in 🇬🇧, 🇫🇷, 🇩🇪, 🇪🇸 and 🇵🇹/🇧🇷 languages.
A Special Thanks To
Allison Sheridan from Podfeet podcast and ScreenCastsOnline for her kindness, support and feedback!
v1.19.0 - July 24th, 2024

🎁 New Features

  • Automatic Bulk Blur - Automatically blur areas across multiple steps
  • Blur can now be either blurry or pixelated

⭐ Improvements

  • Arrow tool can have two arrowheads
  • In Word export, step titles are now headings and support automatic Table of Contents
  • When exporting original images, PNG or JPG formats are properly preserved
  • Footer and header in Word exports are properly sized and work in Google Docs as well
  • Images in Word export don't overlap

🔧 Bug Fixes

  • Focused view properly responds to image replacement
  • Small blur areas no longer resize to larger ones
  • Fixed A4 height in PDF export
  • Shadow works properly for both regular and pointy arrows
  • Markdown export step titles don't have anchors when Table of Contents is hidden
  • On Windows first click during capturing sometimes didn't work
  • Improve UI recognition on Windows
v1.18.3 - May 21st, 2024

🎁 New Features

⭐ Improvements

  • When holding shift, on canvas snap with 45 degrees step
  • Rich HTML has "Description before/after image" option

🔧 Bug Fixes

  • When dragging step down in list, it was jumping to +1 position
  • Dragging step out of step list could remove it
v1.18.0 - May 7th, 2024

🎁 New Features

  • Folge Cloud Beta - Export your guides as online guides, share with others 💥
  • Folge Cloud supports embedding guides as widgets

⭐ Improvements

  • Adding new steps to existing guide is now much faster especially on big guides with > 100 steps
  • Toolsbar active icon is better indicated
  • Esc key deselects active object, or returns to the normal mode if any tool is chosen
  • App alerts if step block is unsaved when navigating away
  • 'Add New Step' button creates step at the bottom of the steps list
  • 'Change Parent Step' feature correctly preserves the step order and adds steps at the bottom of the list
  • When adding a new step, or navitaging to the guide, steps list automatically scrolls and focuses on the selected step
  • Focused zoom is more precise
  • Pasting images into Folge as new steps doesn't crash the app anymore
  • Markdown export' image paths now always match user entered template
  • Markdown export properly strips out image attributes

🔧 Bug Fixes

  • Color picker cant hang the app anymore (yes, this is a surprise to me it could!)
  • Step number text align now works
  • Tooltip text color is working properly
  • Focused view panel is properly positioned for smaller images
  • DND placeholder has proper size when dragging steps
  • Fix broken styles in Rich HTML export for multiimage steps
v1.17.0 - January 22nd, 2024

🎁 New Features

  • Timer in Simple Capture - Take screenshots with a delay
  • Markdown export can embed images
  • Mardown' TOC has links to steps
  • Select date format dd/mm or mm/dd in application settings
  • Change size of the cursor that marks clicks
  • Ctrl/CMD + Shift + V inserts image from your clipboard as a new step
  • Configure the step number size
  • Step number size is preserved between steps

⭐ Improvements

  • Folge can now capture applications working in full screen mode
  • Fully refactored steps list and dragging. Now works like a charm!
  • Ctrl/CMD + Shift + Del deletes current step
  • Full screen capture mode works with any screen, not only with the chosen one
  • Active Window can be captured with hotkeys
  • 'Add New Step' button moved to the top
  • 'Add New Step' context menu improved

🔧 Bug Fixes

  • Region capture correctly stores coordinates when switching between modes
  • In the Guides List number of steps doesn't display deleted steps
  • Folge properly works with 2 and more external monitors
  • Substeps in HTML exports now have div wrapping them
v1.16.0 - August 7th, 2023
Video changelog

🎁 New Features

  • App is available in Spanish
  • Focused view. ✨ Automatically crop and focus your screenshots to speed up guide creation. Read more here.
  • Restore guides into folders. Ability to restore guides into certain folders.
  • Customize and display substep elements. From now on, multi-image steps can display their substep's titles, images, and descriptions. Define order and visibility per element! Read more here.
  • Change parent step by right clicking. You can select one or multiple steps, right-click and select the new parent step without dragging and dropping images. Read more here.

⭐ Improvements

  • App no longer freezes when adding new captures to a guide with many steps.
  • Use CMD/Ctrl + Shift + Arrows to move between steps
  • Pressing Tab always focuses on the Step Title. Following Tab focuses on the step description editor.
  • New text edit cursor.
  • Export document filename can now be one of the following: 1) Original Guide Title; 2) Sanitized with hyphens; 3) Sanitized with underscores
  • Showing custom cursor when dragging handles on canvas
  • Step text blocks can now be reordered
  • Textbox can be resized on drawing
  • Dragging steps with substeps is now allowed

🔧 Bug Fixes

  • Step numbers can be letters and numbers
  • If something goes wrong during capturing, Folge doesn't crash but restores its state
  • In rich HTML header logo doesn't have a border
  • In rich HTML, ToC can't get bigger than the screen and is now scrollable
v1.15.0 - May 9th, 2023
Video changelog

🎁 New Features

  • App is available in Portuguese . Thank you, José, for your help!
  • Header logo in Rich HTML. You can now add your logo to the rich HTML export, and it will nicely hover on the right.
  • New Crop UI. Completely reworked standalone Crop UI for pixel-perfect crops 🤌.
  • Bulk crop multiple images. Ability to crop multiple images at the same time. It saves you time!
  • Fit image into width/height. By default, images are resized into max width/height during export so they all look the same.
  • Grab mode. In the editor, press Space to grab and move the canvas.

⭐ Improvements

  • Backup guides directly from the guides list by selecting multiple and choosing the Backup option.
  • Import steps dialog now has search functionality
  • Step numbers can be locked to preserve numbers, even if the previous step number has been deleted.
  • Improved steps nesting experience; now UI visualizes nesting.
  • New text blocks positions: before, after the title, and before, after the image
  • Localized dates everywhere in the UI and exports
  • Images are optimized when exported, so the final export is smaller

🔧 Bug Fixes

  • Scrolling was happening when the spacebar was pressed.
  • Clicking outside of the steps list doesn't unfocus the current step anymore
  • OCR footer is not displayed mid-screen anymore
  • Fix guide description for rich HTML so it is visible on smaller screens
  • Make images in simple html respect alignment
  • Hide empty titles in PDF
v1.14.0 - March 6th, 2023

🎁 New Features

  • Start screen, bye bye 👋 . You welcomed Folge users for almost 3 years, thank you for your hard work. From now on Folge opens the Guides List screen right away
  • Step text blocks. Add more context, information or warnings to your steps with text blocks that can be created for each step and placed before or after the step description. How to use Text Blocks
  • Automated backups. No need to manually backup guides anymore. Automated backups can be performed in the background, and backup all your work to local or shared locations. More about Automated Backups
  • Shadow control. It is now possible to edit shadows, and not just enable or disable it. Color, distance, blur can be adjusted.
  • Draw straight lines. Lines and Arrows can be drawn while holding the Shift key to achieve perfectness
  • Separate Apple Silicon Build. From now on Folge will have a separate Apple Silicon build which makes Folge notably faster on new chipsets.

⭐ Improvements

  • Show spinner when deleting/moving/duplicating multiple guides at once.
  • Simple Capture mode now loads faster.
  • PDF export template looks better.
  • Actions with steps in the Step List now performed via right click and context menues.
  • Reworked the watermark for free users.
  • Markdown export: switched to using Markdown Extra to support more elements.
  • Markdown export: headings are properly represented with each nesting level.
  • Active window capturing is faster.

🔧 Bug Fixes

  • Properly display scrolling for a very long guides list table.
  • Step image border color picker is displayed properly in the export settings.
  • When drawing vertical lines or arrows they sometimes were changing angle.
  • Copy pasting assets from one step to another was sometings buggy
  • Adjust mark click area and cursor during capturing, sizes are now properly scaled
  • Switching between region and active window modes works as expected.
v1.13.2 - January 19th, 2023

⭐ Improvements

  • Capturing dialog now has "Latest step details" groupped and collapsible.
  • Add jpeg to the list of supported images.
  • A bit of speed up for capturing.

🔧 Bug Fixes

  • Switching between region and full screen capturing was sometimes showing incorrect region.
v1.13.0 - January 17th, 2023

🎁 New Features

  • Reworked the Guides List screen. Refreshed the general UI, changed the layout of the buttons.
  • Favorite guides. Click ⭐ icon next to the guide to put it into the fav list on the left and pin it in the Quick Actions menu ( read more below )
  • Quick Actions. Press ⌘ + / (Mac) or Ctrl + / (Windows) in the Editor to access the Quick Actions menu, where you see favorited guides and can search and quickly navigate to the other guides.
  • Active Window Capturing. A new capturing mode will automatically detect the window you are working with and only capture it. Currently in Beta
  • Multi Image Steps. New Step Settings allows you to have multiple images per step. How to use Multi Image Steps
  • Tooltip. New Shape can be found in the Toolbox. Create nice looking speech bubbles or tooltips with draggable pointers.
  • Help Center. New floating icon in the bottom right corner to quickly access essential parts.

⭐ Improvements

  • Show the number of steps in each guide on the Guides List screen.
  • During capturing, it is possible to toggle the Dark Mode to make the region selector and floating menu black color. Useful when capturing apps with dominating white UI.
  • Change number of steps rendered during PDF Preview. Go to Settings -> Application to change it.
  • Simple capturing can happen without clicking the Confirm button, which speeds up work. Go to Settings -> Capruting to change this setting.
  • Steps can be nested for up to 5 levels.
  • Text object on canvas now has the Text Alignment setting.

🔧 Bug Fixes

  • Shadow wasn't properly preserved for some shapes when copy pasting them.
  • Deleting step wasn't always switching to the next step correctly.
  • Duplicating the Export Settings Template with a header or footer was causing exports to fail when using this template..
  • Both "Simple Capture" and "Stand and complete capturing" hotkeys if pressed inside the editor will add screenshots to the current guide
v1.12.1 - December 6th, 2022

⭐ Improvements

  • In the Simple Capture mode floating menu is always visible despite the selected region.

🔧 Bug Fixes

  • Sometimes cropped images were not displaying blurred areas correctly.
  • Pretty annoying bug for Windows, when multiple external monitors are connected with different scaling options
v1.12.0 - November 8th, 2022

🎁 New Features

  • Import and export "Export settings templates". In the export dialog right-click any export template and export it into a `flgst` file to transfer to another copy of Folge
  • Save original capture image. Click "Step Image Actions" -> "Save original image"
  • Guide Folders can now be nested, and subfolders can be created.
  • Add images on top of the step image. Click Toolbar -> "Add Image to Canvas" and select the image to be added.
  • Per-step settings are introduced under the "Step properties" section in the right column of the editor.
  • First "Per Step Setting" is "Force step to a new page" which will always push the step to a new page during PDF and Word exports
  • Simple screenshot hotkey can now be found in Settings -> Hotkeys. While editing a guide, you can quickly add a new step from a simple capture by pressing this combination

⭐ Improvements

  • Text objects can now have an outline. Outline Width and Color are introduced as object properties .
  • Color Picker dialog has an eyedropper that can select any color from the screen.
  • Guide auto naming ( Color + Animal ) is deprecated in favour of `Untitled + CURRENT_DATETIME`.
  • Empty guide screen now has guide name edit field for quick editing.
  • All dialogs for renaming things ( guides, folders, etc. ) are now prefilled with the original title.
  • In the Guides List mode, one can use the Shift + Mouse click to select multiple guides.
  • Custom HTML is enabled for the Guide' Description editor.
  • Guides in the Guides List mode can now be sorted by title or creation date

🔧 Bug Fixes

  • Refactored color picker dialog, now it is properly shown next to the color placeholder and is not overlapped or cut by UI.
  • Guide details dialog is larger for editing convenience.
  • Object properties are made a bit smaller for better UI.
  • Folge works properly on OS X 13 Ventura.
  • Mark click object's border color in Settings was not working properly for some users.
Older Versions →